Mark Turner, Head of School

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am delighted to pen this last note of 2021 which should serve as a harbinger of the Christmas holiday period. This year more than most, the break is keenly anticipated and richly deserved by all.

Looking back to September, we have enjoyed much school and community spirit, team and individual triumphs too numerous to mention, and achieved strong learning inspired by good teaching.

Like the chum salmon I witnessed in the final stages of exhaustion returning to the Sooke River in October, there is a general feeling that we are all wrung out, and pretty much spent. I hope, therefore, that this three-week holiday period will provide wonderful, rich quality time to reconnect with family and loved ones, so that we can anticipate 2022 not with fear and dread, but with the confidence that comes from knowing that whatever comes at us over the horizon from the future, together we can make the very best of it. Que sera sera.

In our family tradition, Christmas always involves the singing of numerous carols and readings of the Christmas story of good news and great joy. We hope that wherever you are and whoever you are with this festive season, you will all experience great joy.

See you for the thrills and spills of 2022 in just a few short weeks. For now, happy Christmas with all the blessings of the festive season.

Mark Turner
Head of School