Country flags hanging from Schaffter and Sun Centre buildings

This week we witnessed events that will likely become significant in world history and will certainly be front of mind in the near future. 

As an international school, we welcome students and families from a breadth of countries with a myriad of histories and conflicts, sometimes with each other. Occasionally, generalizations and broad assumptions about citizens on each side of the conflict, or those who support them, can be confusing for the young people in our care. At the same time, what brings us together at SMUS is our shared values of Respect, Honesty, Courage, and Service, as well as the truly global perspective that our students gain during their time here. In our experience, students from countries in conflict are often able to create bonds with each other that show us what is possible for us all. We should look to them to model the way.

The work we do at SMUS through our character education and pastoral care, building passion and compassion, is critical for success in this next generation of leaders who will take this perspective with them around the world. Global events such as this often move educators to have conversations with their students that encourage constructive dialogue and foster an outlook in line with our values.    

Of course we recognize that some students may feel personally connected to these events and our entire support team is available to them. Our hearts go out to those who are affected by this conflict.