Closing ceremonies are an important and meaningful way to end the school year. This time together as a community – the last official gathering of the school year – provides opportunities for students to both look forward to their summer break, but also look back on the last 10 months of school.

As part of our Middle School Closing Ceremonies, students from Grades 6-8 write reflections on the year and share them with their classmates, teachers and community in attendance.

Excerpts from the student reflections are below. You can watch them in full in the video above.

by J. Elijah H., Maia H. and Larisse Z., Grade 6

When our grade came to the Middle School some of us started band class and almost everyone chose an instrument that they have never played before. Everyone playing a wind instrument started with blowing into a mouthpiece with a screech and now in June, we are playing beautiful melodies, and the percussion section started with just keeping time and now can play quick rhythms and complex songs. It is crazy to think that a Grade 6 group could come all this way in just a year and I am eager to find out about what's in store for us in Grade 7.

by Annabel H. and Stuart K., Grade 7

Grade 7 has been a great year! One of the things in Grade 7 is that at the end of the year you have to chance to apply to become a WEB Leader, be a new student orientation leader or go on the CAIS Leadership conference to Ontario. There are also councils that anyone can join. By joining these councils you can help plan things like the school dance or the next service day. One thing that I’ve found is that no matter what grade you're in there's always a way to be a leader.

by Matthew B., Violet B., Leighla F. and Xander L., Grade 8

At the beginning of the year, I was nervous to start at a new school but immediately I was embraced with open arms, not only into the school but also into the community and home of SMUS. This year I have made many new friends, participated in sports and been in the school musical. Throughout my year, I have been welcomed into SMUS by students and many teachers. The reason I felt so welcomed into the Middle School is because everyone is very willing to help when you need it and makes sure there are many opportunities for students and all different interests.

My piece of advice for future Grade 8s is to take the opportunities given to you, as they have great value to you as a person and demonstrate the four pillars of honesty, service, respect and courage. Thank you for this great year; we have really enjoyed it. We have many great memories that we will take with us as we journey on into Grade 9.

Revisit the year by viewing the 2018-19 Middle School Year-End Slideshow.

Browse and download photos from the Middle School Closing Ceremonies on the SMUS Photo Gallery.