When the central importance of a capable and representative EDI Advisory Committee became clear, we turned to our community for names. We were not disappointed.

On the EDI Advisory Committee page, you’ll find a group of people with the knowledge, experience, and perspective to assist our school in undertaking an open and honest evaluation of our practice, leading to a concrete plan that will guide our daily endeavours while reshaping our systemic realities.

Along with our EDI Guide Dr. Moussa Magassa, the Advisory Committee will determine how best to engage our wider community through surveys and focus groups. They will be seeking your input in the months ahead. After hearing from the community, members will then draft a plan to chart our course forward.

We recognize that this process will challenge some of our assumptions and approaches, and we welcome the opportunity to grow more fully into our core values of Service, Honesty, Courage, and especially, Respect. For an outline of the process we’ve undertaken to date, please reference our summary from January 15 (below) and initial thoughts from Mr. Mark Turner.

Such was the volume of response to our calls for nominations that we were not able to extend an invitation to every applicant. Those not chosen will receive direct invitations to future consultations. In the end, Dr. Magassa’s guidance led to a committee composed of individuals who represent a wealth of stakeholder groups and expressions of diversity.

The Committee will gather for its first meeting later this month and you will hear from them as soon as they determine our path. Until then, please take a moment and read through their bios. We are excited by their character and calibre and we hope that you are equally encouraged.