One of my fondest memories of my childhood family holidays is winding through the tree-lined highways of BC whiling away the hours listening to audiobooks.

It’s a tradition that my girls and I share today. We pile in the car with all our gear, the dog and our enormous bag full of carefully chosen library books and audiobooks. The second the key hits the ignition the chorus from the backseat begins, “Mom, turn on the story. PLEASE!” Rest stops are quick as we rush back to return to the story. Our conversations at snack breaks revolve around the character’s choices, the twists we predict the plot may take or the possible motivations driving the villain. I am always amazed at how creative and insightful children are whenever they discuss a story they are passionate about. As a parent, engaging children in literature though audiobooks and nighttime reading is a wonderful bonding experience and ignites a lifelong love of reading.

At SMUS, we are fortunate to have three libraries, each with a unique collection specifically designed to meet the needs of the students they serve. Adults will find excellent suggestions from The New York Times list or browse this year’s contenders for Canada Reads 2019. Reader Come Home and Books For Living, are both ideal for parents as these two books discuss the value of finding the right novel at any time in our lives, and explore the importance of reading as a lifelong habit.

Audiobooks and e-books for Middle and Senior School students are available through Sora (formerly called Overdrive). Students can download the free Sora app onto their personal device to check out e-books and audiobooks from our online SMUS account to ensure that whatever adventures await, they are never left without an amazing story.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Spring Break filled with the joy of reading.