Middle School Arts
Arts education is an important part of our Middle School program, and students enjoy access to a wide range of visual arts and performing arts courses and opportunities.
There is no shortage of creative outlets for Middle School students.
We believe in the value of arts education, and students take both visual and performing arts courses as part of the curriculum and as extracurriculars.
Arts are important for students in developing their sense of creativity, their sense of self, and their ability to collaborate with others.
All students take choir and visual art. They also get to choose between playing in the strings orchestra or concert band.
Taking two music courses each year is a requirement to help ensure students continue to appreciate the benefits of arts education.
Arts courses are taught by trained artists, musicians, instrumentalists and vocalists.
Choir students are encouraged to use choral skills such as correct breathing, vocal technique, posture, score reading and musicianship. The repertoire includes songs in different languages and musical styles.
Visual Art
Visual art classes provide students with a strong foundation in art with a focus on creative, visual, and art production skills. Students develop their creativity and technique in visual expression by examining and responding to different media and styles. Several media are covered, including drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design, ceramics, metal work, collage and sculpture. Students learn the technical aspects of each project while engaging in art from a variety of artistic traditions as well as visual expressions from their own and other cultures.
Band (elective)
A performance-based program, band includes rehearsals of concert band repertoire, technical exercises, theory lessons, music listening and musical knowledge. The Honour Band is comprised of Grade 7 and 8 students who have shown dedication and outstanding ability playing their instrument.
Strings (elective)
Strings class gives students experience playing in ensembles as they gain competence on their instruments and become more musically aware as strings players. Our focus is on string instrument-playing concepts and technical skills; tone production and intonation; music reading; and appreciating through listening. There is also a cross-grade Middle School Strings Ensemble that brings together a group of musicians from Grades 6-8.

Students on Stage
Performances are an important part of our music program. Students have the opportunity to showcase their talents to large audiences in beautiful theatres throughout Victoria.