Flag of USA

SMUS has many long-standing links with the United States.  In addition to a community of US students on campus, we have hundreds of US alumni living in America and across the world. Some of these alumni have come together to offer their support to the school as a volunteer organization called American Friends.

Information about Admissions

Admissions at SMUS is a competitive process and we welcome boarding applications for Grades 9 to 11.

The admissions process begins with parents completing an online application. Once the application is submitted, we will review it and consider next steps. All students at SMUS write entry exams.

We often travel to the USA to conduct testing in person. If we are unable to meet you in your country, testing and interviews can be conducted via Zoom and Skype. Spaces are limited and you are encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible. Learn more about the boarding application process.