EDI Advisory Committee

In continuing our work on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, we have created a community-nominated EDI Advisory Committee to work alongside our guide, Dr. Magassa. 

The purpose of the EDI Advisory Committee is to represent stakeholder groups in the SMUS community related but not limited to themes of equity, diversity and inclusion (such as sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, appearance, ethnicity, culture, race, beliefs, socio-economic background) as well as the intersectionality of those themes. The Committee represents a cross-section of our community including alumni, parents, alumni parents, students, faculty and staff.

The EDI Advisory Committee is responsible for advising and supporting the work to:

  • review mechanisms to gather stakeholder perspectives and information (such as surveys, focus groups and semi-structured interviews)
  • refine, review, and interpret stakeholder information for the school’s usage
  • discuss and complete other actions that may be relevant in our consultative process
  • make recommendations to the SLT and Board of Governors to form the basis of the school’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan