Meet Our Teachers
Carol Adamson
English, ELL and Social Studies Teacher, Senior School
Assistant Houseparent, Timmis House

Adrian French
Social Studies Teacher, Senior School,
Faculty Representative, SMUS Society Board of Governors
David Heffernan
Humanities Teacher, Senior School
Senior Assistant Houseparent, Barnacle House
Alumnus, Class of 2006
Raechel Jones
Social Studies, Physical Education and AP Teacher, Senior School
Link Leader Facilitator
Rob Lampard
Social Studies, Drama and Theatre Teacher, Senior School
Assistant Houseparent, Harvey House
Alumnus, Class of 2000
Social studies courses aim to help build an interest, understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the disciplines of the social sciences: geography, history, civics, law, economics, criminology, sociology and psychology.
The program provides you with a range of skills, including the ability to work with other students, to express yourself effectively and to think critically and analytically, while also becoming an environmentally and socially active citizen.
While studying history, for example, you’ll better understand what led to the Second World War by researching a country and engaging in mock League of Nations negotiations.
Social Studies Courses and Extracurriculars
You’ll have access to a wide variety of social science courses in a broad range of academic disciplines, including history, political science, geography, economics, social justice and more.
Use the tabs below to see the social studies courses and opportunities we offer, or download the Academic Program Guide to read full course descriptions.
Attend Model UN conferences and the Commonwealth Forum, where you’ll learn about government processes, global politics and negotiation. Or join the Business Club and help operate The Howard Café, our on-campus café in the Sun Centre.
Learn more about the clubs and councils at the Senior School.